Wooplr Review: Sell Fashion & Earn money

wooplr review

It’s been a while since I posted the last time. And the reason is exams. I’ve still got 3 exams left(yay). So it’ll be another 2 weeks before you hear from me.

So today I’m reviewing an affiliate marketing platform- Wooplr.

Wooplr is a fashion e-commerce platform which is rather than selling products is more interested in making people sell products for them.

Even when you Google “Wooplr” this is what you see:

“Sell 1L+ products…”

Wooplr only has items of clothing & accessories(not electronic) and not a wide range of items. So this could be one of the reasons why they won’t sell the products themselves. But rather rely on social media influencers.

So the basic idea here is that Wooplr pays you 15-25% of the price of the product that you sell.

How Wooplr Works:

After you sign up, you’ll need to create a subdomain for your Wooplr store. Like this one- infosmush.wooplr.com. Visitors can view the items that you add and shop from this link.

After creating your Wooplr store you can start adding items.

To add products:
1. Go to Add Products
2. Select a category or keep scrolling and hit the “+ Add to My Store” button below the products that you want to add.

For every sale(When an order is delivered and 5 days of return window is over, your commission gets confirmed and is now ready to be paid out.) you make you’ll earn 15 percent of the cost of the item, in the beginning, and as you continue to sell more your share would increase and you can earn up to 25%.

As you get more orders from your store, your earnings level increases. Following are the 5 levels of earnings:

  • Beginner Level  @15% earnings – When you sign up on Wooplr, you get 15% commission. This commission is paid on the total amount paid by a customer for an order.
  • Popular Level  @18% earnings – Once you have earned Rs 1000 and it has been paid out to you, your level upgrades to ‘Popular’. At this level you earn 18% of the total amount paid by a customer for an order.
  • Expert Level  @20% earnings – Once you have earned Rs 5000 and it has been paid out to you, your level upgrades to ‘Expert’. At this level you earn 20% of the total amount paid by a customer for an order.
  • Hotshot Level  @23% earnings – Once you have earned Rs 10000 and it has been paid out to you, your level upgrades to ‘Hotshot’. At this level you earn 23% of the total amount paid by a customer for an order.
  • Elite Level  @25% earnings – Once you have earned Rs 20000 and it has been paid out to you, your level upgrades to ‘Elite’. At this level, you earn 25% of the total amount paid by a customer for an order.

You can share the link of the products with your social media followers to get started. But you’ll need a lot of followers who trust you for you to make any sales.

Wooplr app is also available for both Android and iOS.

Promo Codes:

You can create your own promo codes and provide them to your followers to gift them an extra discount.

You can create coupon codes that offer a discount of up to Rs.200.

The discount is deducted from your commission. So if someone buys a product after applying the promo code you’ll earn: commission-discount(offered by the code).

Here are more details:

  • Rs. 75 coupon code is valid only on & above order of Rs. 500
  • Rs. 150 coupon code is valid only on & above order of Rs. 1000
  • Rs. 200 coupon code is valid only on & above order of Rs. 1500
  • The coupon code amount will be deducted from your earnings when the promo gets applied by your customer.
  • Currently, coupon codes are only available in the denominations of Rs.75, 150 & 200. This is to ensure you don’t lose too much out of your earnings as discounts.
  • The code will be exclusively applicable on your store link.
  • You can generate max of 10 promo-codes per month.
  • Coupon codes won’t be applicable on Select brands.


You have the option of daily or weekly payout. Money gets credited to your bank account (every Wednesday) or paytm (daily) depending on your preference.

Minimum amount for withdrawal: Rs.100.

Final words:

Wooplr is a great affiliate marketing platform to earn from your social media influence.

But the main issue here is TRUST. People aren’t going to buy stuff from an e-commerce site which they have never heard of. Or never used.

For instance; if I asked you buy the below product, would you buy it? What are the chances?

Even if you want to buy it. As any rational buyer, you’d first look for similar items on other online stores that you like Flipkart Amazon, etc which are more established and popular. And chances are if you find something like that and even if it costs more than Wooplr you’ll buy it from that popular store. I’m not saying it’s impossible to make a sale from Wooplr it’s just harder.

People tend to buy stuff from online stores that they have shopped at before. And odds of Wooplr being one of them is extremely thin.

Another drawback of Wooplr is the variety of products. Like I mentioned at the beginning of this review, Wooplr only sells fashion items with tiny catalogs. So you’re not gonna find anything unique there.

My advice is if you do wanna earn some money while selling stuff. Sign up for other affiliate programs too like from Flipkart or Amazon. And promote products from all the sites, that way you’ll have relatively better odds of selling items.

Have tried affiliate marketing? What was your experience? Do you know any app or site like Wooplr?

Himanshu Kumar

He is college student. And likes to write about money making apps, fantasy apps and other tech stuff.

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