Amazon Complan Nutrition Quiz Answers Today: ₹500 Prize

Amazon Complan Nutrition Quiz Answers- Answer the Amazon Complan Nutrition Quiz and stand a chance to win ₹500 Amazon Pay Balance for free. The answers for all the five questions have been given below.

The date on which this quiz was live on the Amazon app is 3rd may at 12:00 AM and you have until 10th May to participate in the quiz.

Other Amazon Quiz Aswers:

Amazon Complan Nutrition Quiz Answers Today March 8, 2025

Q1: What are the benefits of Complan?

Answer: All of them

Q2: How many flavours of Complan are available?

Answer: All of them

Q3: How many vital nutrients are there in Complan ?

Answer: 34

Q4: What is the source of protein in Complan?

Answer: Milk Protein

Q5: What can Complan be consumed with?

Answer: Both of them


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